Response to "The Right to your Own Opinion"
As I was reading The Right to your Own Opinion, I came across a point where the writer gave an example of me, a friend, and a car. Where a friend and I were to cross the street, and I saw a car coming, but my friend does not see the car and starts to walk across the street. Both of us have a opinion, I say there is a car coming, and he or she says there is no car. We are both entitled to our opinion. But who's right? Do I let him or her keep walking? No, I must change his or her's opinion that there is a car coming. Like it says I must draw his or her's attention. And now he or she will thank me on showing more precise evidence on my opinion. But the real question to me is what about religious people and atheists. They both have their right to their own opinion. But who's right? Religious people give evidence based on the bible, quotes and stories told by Jesus's disciples. Telling people Jesus healed people, he walked on water, etc. And then theirs the atheists, they think it's false. Jesus is a false and made up person. They may think going to mass and reading the bible is brain wash or joining a cult. Theirs always been articles and stories of people dying and coming back to life and telling what happen. People going to heaven and seeing God, seeing family members that had been deceased for a long time. Then other stories say all i saw was darkness. No sound, nothing in sight. Does it mean God doesn't want them to see heaven because an atheist does not believe in him. But when a believer in God, they see heaven, and their loved ones. They are both entitled to their opinion, and will stick with it. As it says in the last paragraph, some topics people are not interested in beliving the truth. But who is telling the truth? Which side has more evidence?
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