Monday, June 19, 2017

The Ultimate Prize

Wow, it has been a long time since I last posted. But today i came across a video discussing how to achieve an ultimate prize with your talents. The video talks about on what drives talent to get an ultimate prize. This fellow speaker is Kevin Spacey, a respected and hard working actor in the movie/television business.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Demi- The Psychology of Murder/Profiling Murderers

Jack the Ripper was originally a barber, and a surgeon

Every victim he killed made sure they felt excruciating pain.

BAU- Behavioral assignment unit

A unit that investigate the mind of a Serial Killer or Psychopath 

A sadis is a person who enjoys the pain a person feels

Psychopath will kill someone in an instant

Killers often move around. They don't stay still

There was an experiment where three people were tested on watching a video. A disturbing video. And scientist checked the three peoples brains to see how the brain would react to a disturbing video.

Repeatable stabbing to a person can be considered showing hatred.