Sunday, November 27, 2016


So, during the week off of school i had the time to watch a couple of movies during my spare time. And i came across a movie that is absolutely incredible. I saw it a few days ago, and it just blew me away of how this movie can affect a person by just watching something. The movie is called "Biutiful".  (no i did not wright the title wrong)  Biutiful is the phonological spelling in spanish of the English word beautiful.  It's a gritty, and demanding movie of a struggling man named Uxbal, staggering from mishap and catastrophe as he attempts to bring his daughter and son single - handely in dismal and bleak back streets of one of Barcelona's least desirable neighborhoods. It's a foreign movie in Spanish, there are English subtitles in the movie, or maybe you will have to find a link of the movie with English Subtitles. Its not on Netflix unfortunately, but it is on YouTube for rent.

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